At Alayo Miracle Church of Christ, membership is free and is extended to all who profess their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ or has accepted Him as their personal savior, subscribe to the tenets of the faith of the Church, and complete the new membership and foundational classes.
The new membership class is taught at scheduled dates. It is designed to help new members make the transition to the Church membership. At the end of the class, potential members are publicly welcomed and received as full-fledged members of Alayo Miracle Church. All those interested in becoming members of the Church are encouraged to take the class.

The Lord's Supper
What We Believe and Why
Church Staff, Structure, and Strategy
And much, much, more!
During the class, there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the Church, Christianity, the Bible, or issues that you are facing. This class will assist you in developing important spiritual disciplines, like Bible study and prayer. It will also guide you to discover your spiritual gifts and ministry calling.

Our primary focus in this ministry is to win souls for Jesus Christ. Everything we do in Alayo Miracle Church of Christ is to achieve the prime aim of winning souls into God's kingdom. Members are effective witnesses for Christ by their lifestyles and by their testimonies.
Whenever a member has a crisis—whether it's physical death in the family or spiritual, the Church needs to know about it so that we can provide you with the care and comfort you require in your time of need.