Alayo Miracle Church of Christ is a spiritual, united, and indivisible Church whose purpose is to tend to the total man: body, soul, and spirit. It is a Church of miracles, joy, peace, and love. It is also a place of fellowship, learning, and divine healing for the sick, the un-churched, the lost, and those without hope from all the nations of the earth.
Our mission is to teach and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ which calls all people and sinners everywhere to repentance, and also perform any other duty that may be expected of a religious organization, including but not limited to spiritual healing and deliverance.
At Alayo Miracle Church of Christ, we strive to be a Church without walls. We are committed to a seven-fold vision. Part of it is to see every member loved and cared for, established and equipped to minister, reach their highest calling in Christ, and fulfill their divine destiny.
Our ultimate desire is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and our fellow mankind. We want to become 'A home for you Church,' giving a positive Christian witness in the spirit of worship and love based on a supportive and witnessing community, which takes seriously the needs of individuals or nurturing and caring, and the challenge as an organization to speak and live the faith in a troubled world and society.
As a Church for people of all nations, we want to minister to you and your loved ones, and to help you grow in faith and in obedience to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, and you will enjoy a new life in Him. God has called us to take individuals into a deeper spiritual walk with Jesus Christ and to move with Him in having an effective spiritual impact locally, nationally, and abroad. Build yourself up in your knowledge of the Christian truth.
- From the Desk of the Pastor